South Carolina

Work with top licensed real estate agents in Charleston and surrounding areas for thousands less.

Save an average of $12,000 when you buy or sell with a Newfound Company

Sellers save thousands with our 1% list fee

Most agents typically charge 3% of your home’s price to represent you. That’s $15,000 for a $500,000 home. We think that is too much. That’s why we charge 1%. Our low, fair fee saves our clients thousands.

Buyers save thousands with our buyer rebate

If the seller is offering a split commission, you may be eligible for a rebate. Ask us for details! If the seller isn’t offering a shared commission, we charge 1%—over 50% less than traditional agents.
Map of locations served by Houwzer and Trelora

A local team you can trust

Trelora’s local team in Charleston is supported by national expertise
Photo of Christina Parker, Director of Agent Services at Houwzer

Christina Parker

Director of Agent Services

Photo of Isabella Frazier, Agent at Houwzer

Isabella Frazier


South Carolina Loves Trelora

I am a licensed real estate broker and I have sold our 4th house with the help of Trelora. It really doesn’t make sense to me why the Sellers have to pay the Seller’s agent commission according to the price of the house when the work that the selling agent does is nearly the same whether the value of the house is low or high. The same goes for the Buyers agents, but that’s another story. Trelora does all that needs to be done with a fixed price and they do a very good job at it. I think this is the way it should be: We need to do what is good for the people, the Sellers and Buyers, and help them keep the money they own and deserve.
I worked with Trelora for both buying my new house and selling my old one. This company is amazing! They are hard-working, professional, very helpful, friendly and truly flat rate! I am convinced that I would not have sold my townhome so quickly and at such a great price if I didn't have Trelora working for me and with me. I can't say enough good about them. I highly recommend Trelora!
We had an excellent experience selling our house. The team is professional and efficient. My takeaway from the experience is that there is way too much money spent on realtor fees. No realtor should make 4% for listing your house. Trelora's model works. Their team will take care of you, but you will work with various people on the team.

Save Thousands When You Buy Or Sell With Houwzer

Our agents are dedicated specialists who provide guidance at every step. Whether it’s market analysis or skillful negotiation, you’re backed by top experts.